Owner: Elvis Okeny

Our Roots

              Motivated by my deteriorating health, I, Elvis Okeny, embarked on a journey

to discover the root causes that were affecting my well-being. Prior to finding my passion for

herbals and dedicating my time to that field, I was always a fan of sports. I eagerly

participated in various sporting events and rarely missed an opportunity to be part of

the action. However, when I turned 18 years old, my life took an unexpected turn.

I began experiencing significant symptoms during or after my intense workouts, which

left me perplexed. Despite being in good health and physically fit, I couldn't simply disregard

the notion that I was no longer able to participate in sports for extended periods as

I had done in the past.

Upon realizing that my poor dietary habits were the root cause behind my symptoms,

I delved deep into the multitude of diets available today to find the one that would

best suit my needs. As a result of this exploration, I have come to the conclusion that

embracing a plant-based diet, free from GMOs, while prioritizing alkalinity, is by far the

most effective method for me to enhance the absorption and utilization of nutrients

in my body.

Through my dedicated work, I have unearthed a diverse range of herbal remedies that

address imbalances, combat fatigue, alleviate digestive or sinus issues, cater to

skincare needs, facilitate weight loss, and offer various other benefits. Now; in my late 20s,

I find myself in a state of improved health and strength compared to my younger years.


These discoveries, combined with an unwavering passion embedded into each product created, form the essence of the Vitalsnags brand today!!


Our Mission:

One Leaf | One tree
One world | Many problems
Many Herbs | Many Solutions

# For a healthier tomorrow, choose VitalSnags today!